# Kubernetes

Rancher Kubernetes is using Docker as container runtime/engine.

Kubernetes internal communication): <KUBERNETES_SERVICE_NAME>:<APPLICATION_PORT>

Kubernetes internal communication (pods in different namespaces): <KUBERNETES_SERVICE_NAME>.<KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE>:<APPLICATION_PORT>

# Resources

# Secrets

A Secret is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as a password, a token, or a key. Such information might otherwise be put in a Pod specification or in a container image. Using a Secret means that you don't need to include confidential data in your application code.

# Creating Secrets

Kubectl (example for USERNAME and PASSWORD)

kubectl create secret generic <SECRET_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE> --from-literal=<USERNAME_VARIABLE>=<USERNAME> --from-literal=<PASSWORD_VARIABLE>=<PASSWORD>


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
 name: <SECRET_NAME>

Useful article

# Resource Management

By default, containers run with unbounded compute resources on a Kubernetes cluster. With resource quotas, cluster administrators can restrict resource consumption and creation on a namespace basis. Within a namespace, a Pod or Container can consume as much CPU and memory as defined by the namespace's resource quota or by its limits. -> Basic Resource Management

# Requests & Limits (Containers)

*When you specify a Pod, you can optionally specify how much of each resource a container needs.

  • Requests: When you specify the resource request for containers in a Pod, the kube-scheduler uses this information to decide which node to place the Pod on and reserves at least the request amount of that system resource specifically for that container to use.
  • Limits: When you specify a resource limit for a container, the kubelet enforces those limits so that the running container is not allowed to use more of that resource than the limit you set.

Note: If a container specifies its own cpu/memory limit, but does not specify a cpu/memory request, Kubernetes automatically assigns a cpu/memory request that matches the limit.

# Example: Request & Limit

        cpu: "100m"
        memory: "50Mi"
        cpu: "1500m"
        memory: "500Mi"

# Compute Resource Quotas (Namespace)

A resource quota, defined by a ResourceQuota object, provides constraints that limit aggregate resource consumption (REQUESTS & LIMITS) per namespace. It can limit the quantity of objects that can be created in a namespace by type, as well as the total amount of compute resources that may be requested or limited by resources in that namespace.

# Limit Ranges

A LimitRange is a policy to constrain resource allocations (to Pods or Containers) in a namespace and can provides constraints that can:

  • Enforce minimum and maximum compute resources usage per Pod or Container in a namespace.
  • Enforce minimum and maximum storage request per PersistentVolumeClaim in a namespace.
  • Enforce a ratio between request and limit for a resource in a namespace.
  • Set default request/limit for compute resources in a namespace and automatically inject them to Containers at runtime.

# Example Limit Range

apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
  name: default-limit-range
  - default:
      cpu: 300m
      memory: 20Mi
      cpu: 50m
      memory: 10Mi
    type: Container

# Known-Errors

Error: Create Pod ... failed error: pods "..." is forbidden: failed quota: <YOUR_QUOTA>: must specify limits.cpu,limits.memory Solution: Add limits to your container deployment.

Error: Create Pod ... failed error: pods "..." is forbidden: exceeded quota: <YOUR_QUOTA>, requested: limits.cpu=1600m, used: limits.cpu=1, limited: limits.cpu=2500m Solution: In this example my quota is exceeded (limited - (requested + used) = -100m). -> Increase your quota by at least 100m.

# Vertical Pod Autoscaler

  • Doku Vertical Pod Autoscaler #todo

# Persistent Volumes

Benchmarking Kubernetes Storage Solutions

# Longhorn

_Longhorn delivers simplified, easy to deploy and upgrade, 100% open source, cloud-native hyper-converged persistent block storage without the cost overhead of open core or proprietary alternatives._

Project source code is spread across a number of repos: | Component | What it does | GitHub repo | |:------------------------------ |:---------------------------------------------------------------------- |:-------------------------------------- | | Longhorn Backing Image Manager | Backing image download, sync, and deletion in a disk | longhorn/backing-image-manager | | Longhorn Engine | Core controller/replica logic | longhorn/longhorn-engine | | Longhorn Instance Manager | Controller/replica instance lifecycle management | longhorn/longhorn-instance-manager | | Longhorn Manager | Longhorn orchestration, includes CSI driver for Kubernetes | longhorn/longhorn-manager | | Longhorn Share Manager | NFS provisioner that exposes Longhorn volumes as ReadWriteMany volumes | longhorn/longhorn-share-manager | | Longhorn UI | The Longhorn dashboard | longhorn/longhorn-ui |

# Creating Longhorn Persistent Volumes using Rancher

  • Create Project (I named it Storage)
  • In Rancher GUI: Cluster Tools -> Longhorn -> Install (default settings)
  • *If you want:
    • changing storage reserve (Longhorn GUI -> Node -> Edit node and disks)*
    • changing the storage overprovisioning percentage to 200% (Longhorn GUI -> Setting -> General -> Stroage Over...)
  • Now you have a new StorageClass called longhorn and it is ready to use.

# Performance

Currently there is a big discussion about Longhorns performance, more details in the GitHub Issue. -> Maybe this will be better in the future

# Monitoring

Monitoring Longhorn is simple. All you need is:

  • A running Prometheus instance
  • A Kubernetes ServiceMonitor for Longhorn

Example: ServiceMonitor for Longhorn Longhorn ServiceMonitor has a label selector app: longhorn-manager to select Longhorn backend service. Later on, the Prometheus CRD can include Longhorn ServiceMonitor so that the Prometheus server can discover all Longhorn manager pods and their endpoints. Deploy the ServiceMonitor in the same namespace as Prometheus.

apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: ServiceMonitor
  name: longhorn-prometheus-servicemonitor
    name: longhorn-prometheus-servicemonitor
      app: longhorn-manager
      - longhorn-system
    - port: manager

IMPORTANT: Unfortunately in my case the Prometheus Operator has not automatically found the new created ServiceMonitor. So I had to disable serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues and podMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues like this (more information's in the GitHub issue):

    serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
    podMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false

Longhorn also offers a Grafana Dashboard (ID: 13032) that can be imported.

# Rook

Rook is a open-source Cloud-Native storage for Kubernetes that is a production ready management for File, Block and Object Storage by using Ceph. There are other storage providers like Cassandra and NFS (Alpha). Rook turns distributed storage systems into self-managing, self-scaling, self-healing storage services. It automates the tasks of a storage administrator: deployment, bootstrapping, configuration, provisioning, scaling, upgrading, migration, disaster recovery, monitoring, and resource management.

# Piraeus


Piraeus-Project Piraeus-Operator

# Taints & Tolerations

Taints and tolerations are a mechanism that allows you to ensure that pods are not placed on inappropriate nodes. Taints are added to nodes, while tolerations are defined in the pod specification. When you taint a node, it will repel all the pods except those that have a toleration for that taint. A node can have one or many taints associated with it. For example, most Kubernetes distributions will automatically taint the master nodes so that one of the pods that manages the control plane is scheduled onto them and not any other data plane pods deployed by users. This ensures that the master nodes are dedicated to run control plane pods. -> Useful Guide

# Taint Effects

Effect Description
NoSchedule The Kubernetes scheduler will only allow scheduling pods that have tolerations for the tainted nodes.
PreferNoSchedule The Kubernetes scheduler will try to avoid scheduling pods that don’t have tolerations for the tainted nodes.
NoExecute Kubernetes will evict the running pods from the nodes if the pods don’t have tolerations for the tainted nodes.

# Taint Operations

The default value for operator is Equal. A toleration "matches" a taint if the keys are the same and the effects are the same, and:

  • the operator is Exists (in which case no value should be specified), or
  • the operator is Equal and the values are equal.

NOTE: There are two special cases: An empty key with operator Exists matches all keys, values and effects which means this will tolerate everything. An empty effect matches all effects with key key1.

# Commands

Get taints of all nodes:

kubectl get nodes -o=custom-columns=NodeName:.metadata.name,TaintKey:.spec.taints[*].key,TaintValue:.spec.taints[*].value,TaintEffect:.spec.taints[*].effect

# Example: Deploy Pod on Controlplane/etcd Nodes

For example you want to monitor your Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus Node Exporter, but your Prometheus Node Exporter pods are only deployed on the worker nodes (w01, w02 & w03). This is because you forgot define tolerations to your pods specification. To add this toleration to your pods, first check your nodes taint configurations. The following is an example:

NodeName   TaintKey                                                            TaintValue   TaintEffect
cp01       node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane,node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd   true,true    NoSchedule,NoExecute
w01        <none>                                                              <none>       <none>
w02        <none>                                                              <none>       <none>
w03        <none>                                                              <none>       <none>

Now you know the taints and can configure the tolerations. Because I used the Prometheus-Operator Helm chart to deploy all Prometheus Node Exporter I had to add following in my Helm values:

    - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: NoSchedule
    - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: NoExecute

-> Normally this tolerations are defined in spec.tolerations:

# Tolerating all Taints

You can configure a pod to tolerate all taints by adding an operator: "Exists" toleration with no key and value parameters. Pods with this toleration are not removed from a node that has taints.

    - operator: "Exists"

# Default Tolerations on Namespace

There is a feature called PodTolerationRestriction to define default tolerations on namespace level. Example for namespace annotations:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: apps-that-need-nodes-exclusively
    scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/defaultTolerations: '[{"operator": "Exists", "effect": "NoSchedule", "key": "dedicated-node"}]'
    scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/tolerationsWhitelist: '[{"operator": "Exists", "effect": "NoSchedule", "key": "dedicated-node"}]'

# Security

# Network Policies

  • Dokumenttation Network Policies #todo

# Kubernetes Tools

# Kubernetes local (Testing purposes)

Recommended: https://rancherdesktop.io/

# Kaniko

With Kaniko you are able to build container images on Kubernetes without root or privileged mode.

# Troubleshooting

# Prometheus: Find Containers without configured Resources (limits)